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To attempt to stem the tide of people finding that they can't do everything they want to do on RISC OS, and to coordinate a list of 'most wanted' utilities and applications, I've created this page to list everything that users would like to see arrive on RISC OS.

I'll attempt to keep the list in some kind of order of priority, with the most frequently requested items near the top. If any developers (or potential developers) are interested in developing anything on this list, please feel free to contact me and we can perhaps avoid people re-inventing the wheel.

There is also a wikified version of this list at

Paul Vigay, Sept 2006

Stuff People Want

 · AccountsA lot of businesses use the superb Prophet 3 Professional accounts package, but development seems to have stopped, and it would be nice to see either Prophet brought up to date, or a new accounts package being developed and actively supported.
 · Braille transcriptionSelf-explanatory
 · eBay ToolbarA possible idea for a small utility for RISC OS Users, for Buying, Selling and offering and my ebay on it.
 · EXIF EditorFor editing EXIF and time data in digital photos (JPEG images).
 · GenealogyA lot of people have requested a decent 'family tree' application, possibly something like Reunion on the Mac.
 · OCRA professional OCR application which would control the scanner and have the same facilities at least as Omnipage Pro.
 · PhotodeskIt would be great to see continued development and bug fixes of the Photodesk image editing software. CJE are said to have commissioned development, but it's been awfully quiet for a long time.
 · PresentationAn up to date Powerpoint presentation type package. My personal preference would be to write something like Keynote on the Mac.
 · Real AudioPossibly quite difficult, due to licensing confusion.
 · SpreadsheetAble to cope with later Excel capabilities (although !ViewXLS does go quite a long way to allowing RISC OS users view Excel files.)
 · Unicode Printing for RISC OS 5NetSurf won't print from the Iyonix, due to limitations in !Printers. It seems like quite high priority to get !Printers working with the Unicode font manager.
 · VoIPEither a RISC OS port of Skype or some H.323 voice communications system. I would be interested in this from the point of view of supplying to Orpheus subscribers.
 · Weather analysisA RISC OS program to download weather data from a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station via USB and automatically upload to the Internet - eg. a replacement for the PC program WeatherLink 5.7.

Hardware Drivers

A number of people have expressed a wish to upgrade ageing hardware devices such as scanners and printers. Whilst some of these use 'standard' driver interfaces such as Twain, it would be good to see continued support for newer devices.

I've received the following requests for help, so if you've used one of the devices in question (either by finding another driver which works successfully, or having written your own) then please contact me, and I'll put additional notes on this page.

 · Lexmark Z55 colour inkjetHas anyone managed to get this USB printer working under RISC OS?
 · ScannersCan you recommend any USB (or SCSI) scanners which work with RISC OS machines?

Drivers that DO work

A few people have contacted me to confirm that the following hardware DOES work under RISC OS.

 · Epson Perfection 1640, 1650 & 1600 scannersUSB only but drivers are available from David Pilling
 · Epson GT7000 scannerWorks perfectly with SCSI interface

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:55pm (3225 days ago)

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