RISC OS Resources & Information
A comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available at www.riscos.org/csafaq/
We also have separate Support and Tutorials sections for popular RISC OS applications.
Manuals & Documentation
- Legacy manuals - Chris Whytehead's extensive and invaluable collection of manuals. If it's not listed here, it probably doesn't exist! :-)
- Themes - Our handy guide to re-designing the look of your desktop.
- Photodesk - Guide to using Photodesk and how to get various effects.
- Photodesk Resources - Our own collection of additional resources for Photodesk.
- Clip Art - Our own collection of Clip Art, free for you to use.
- TechWriter Tips - Jim Lesurf'sss TechWriter Hints and Tips pages (a bit old now, but archived for reference.
- Photodesk - A very useful page of tutorials, walk-throughs, hints and tips.
Modes and Monitor Definitions
There are several sites holding various MDFs (Monitor Definition Files) for RISC OS machines. However, if you can't find a mode to suite your particular monitor, you can use !MakeModes in order to create a custom mode, or edit an existing one. Frank Watkinson wrote a useful MakeModes Manual which may provide additional information.
Music and Audio
- Somascape - Using MIDI on a RISC OS computer.
- USB Info - Bringing you the support you need for USB on RISC OS (a bit out of date)
Branding and Marketing RISC OS
- Rebranding RISC OS - Richard Hallas' article explaining the thinking behind the RISC OS cogwheel logo.