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How to become involved and/or find other RISC OS users around the world

  · Local Usergroups - Directory of local user groups around the world. Is there one close to you? If not, why not start one and advertise it here?

  · ICQ Directory - 'I Seek You' - a directory of RISC OS ICQ users that you can chat to online via ICQ (I'll create an MSN Messenger list if there is enough demand....)


Mailing Lists

Many RISC OS applications have associated mailing lists available for users to subscribe to, in order to swap hints and tips, find out about new versions or report bugs to the developers. If you know one that is not listed here, please contact us with the details and we will add it.

This list was compiled from very old data, so some of these mail lists may no longer be running. Please contact us if any of the information has changed.

  · Acorn Servicing - Technical forum for experienced Acorn technicians & engineers. Send SIGNON as subject.

  · Acorn-L - For all Acorn related topics. Send body message containing "SUBSCRIBE ACORN-L [your full name]"

  · Ant Chat - Discussion of the Ant Internet Suite. Send subscribe as the message subject.

  · Archive 42 - Discussion of non computer topics for subscribers of Archive.
                        To join, send an email to majordomo@jellybaby.net with "subscribe archive-42" in the body of the message.

  · BBC List - For all things BBC related. List is handled manually, so just send an email request.

  · Browse - Mailing list for users of Acorn's Browse web browser. Send message with SIGNON in the subject line.

  · DigitalCD - A list for Andre Timmermans DigitalCD users.

  · Digital Photography - A list for RISC OS users interested in digital photography.

  · Education - A forum for the discussion of RISC OS systems in education

  · Forthmacs - Forum for RISC OS Forthmacs users. Send blank message with the subject, "subscribe FORTHMACS"

  · Ghostscript - An e-mail discussion list has been setup on acornusers.org for matters relating to Ghostscript on RISC OS. Send blank message.

  · Icon Users - For users of Icon Technology products, such as Easi/Techwriter.

  · Impact Database - For users of Impact Database, for discussion and comments

  · IT Security - Discussion of PGP and computer security issues.
                        To join, send a blank email to it-security@vigay.com "subscribe" in the subject.

  · Java - Mailing list for RISC OS Java related matters

  · Keystroke - Mailing list for users of Quantumsoft's Keystroke macro-making program.

  · Linux installers - ARMLinux installer list.

  · Messenger - A mailing list for users of the popular email client

  · NetBSD - For users of NetBSD

  · NetSurf - For discussion on the open source NetSurf browser project.
                        To join, visit the website and follow the instructions.

  · Oregano - For users of Castle's web browser

  · OSLib - For discussion on OSLib. Send blank message.

  · OSLib-User - For discussion on OSLib-User. Send blank message.

  · OSLib-Announce - For discussion on OSLib-Announce. Send blank message.

  · Ovation Pro - For discussion of David Pilling's Ovation Pro DTP application. Send blank message with the subject "SUBSCRIBE ovationpro"

  · Perl - For users of RISC OS Perl. To join, send a message to riscos-subscribe@perl.org

  · Photodesk - For users of Photodesk Ltd's Photodesk application. Send blank message with the subject "SIGNON PHOTODSK-L"

  · Pipedream - Unofficial Pipedream mailing list - send blank email with subject: Subscribe to join.

  · PlayIt - List for users of Rick Hudson's PlayIt

  · Pluto - For users of the Pluto email client. Send blank email with subject: 'SIGNON' to join.

  · PowerChat - For users of Power-tec products. Send blank email with subject: 'subscribe power-chat' to join.

  · ProCAD - For users of ProCAD. Send blank message with the subject "subscribe procad-users"

  · Risc BSD - Discussion of RISC OS BSD. Send body message containing "subscribe port-arm32"

  · Riscose - SWI level emulator of RISC OS.

  · RISC OS Education - A forum to discuss RISC OS in schools and education

  · RISC OS TEX - For RISC OS TeX users. Send body message containing "subscribe riscostex"

  · Sleeve - emulation of the 26-bit ARM at basic level. "subscribe" in subject line.

  · StrongEd - For users of StrongEd.

  · StyleGuide List - For discussing the Acorn Styleguide and Desktop guidelines.

  · Taylor - For users of the RISC OS port of Taylor UUCP. Send email requesting membership. A human manually handles subscriptions

  · Vantage - For users of Cerilica's Vantage. Send blank message with the subject "subscribe vantage"

  · Videodesk - For users of Irlam's Videodesk. Join with subject SIGNON cdesk-user

  · ViewFinder - For users of John Kortink's ViewFinder graphics card

  · WebChange - For users of VinceH's WebChange. To subscribe click on link with "subscribe wc4ros" in the body text.

  · WebsterXL - For users of RComps WebsterXL web browser

  · WimpBasic - A forum to discuss WimpBasic


Usenet Newsgroups of relevance to RISC OS users

If you can't access any of these newsgroups, please contact your ISP and ask them to check their newsfeed.

  · argonet.acorn.assist - Acorn/RISC OS technical assistance for Argonet/Orpheus subscribers (very low traffic)

  · argonet.acorn.misc - Miscellaneous Acorn/RISC OS chat for Argonet/Orpheus subscribers (low traffic)

  · argonet.acorn.voyager - Discussion on the Voyager internet suite for Argonet/Orpheus subscribers (low traffic)

  · argonet.zfc - The 'Zimmer Frame Club' - the original friendly discussion forum for everything EXCEPT computers (referred to as c-thingies) for Argonet/Orpheus subscribers (medium traffic)

  · comp.binaries.acorn - A defunct group for sharing binary files (non-existent traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.announce - A moderated group for Acorn/RISC OS product announcements (low traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.apps - Discuss Acorn/RISC OS applications (relatively low traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.games - Discussion forum for Acorn/RISC OS games and entertainment (low traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.hardware - For discussing hardware problems or issues (can be quite high traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.misc - A general discussion area for all things RISC OS (can be quite high traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.networking - For Acorn/RISC OS networking issues (low traffic)

  · comp.sys.acorn.programmer - Writing an application? Need help? This is the place to ask techie questions (low traffic)

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:55pm (3117 days ago)

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