Wednesday 12 Mar, 2025
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This week we also added a comprehensive list of RISC OS orientated mailing lists and usenet newsgroups, so that you can share tips and comments with like-minded people on your favourite RISC OS topics.
More Info: User participation

Company Directory
We've added a comprehensive directory of RISC OS orientated companies to
This will provide a handy directory if you want to find a local dealer or RISC OS supplier.
More Info: RISC OS Company Directory

Pixel Adverts has this week launched a pixel advert scheme, whereby companies and individuals can 'rent' pixels in order to place an advert on a large banner, which will be displayed prominently on the front of
More Info: RISC OS Pixel Adverts

Grapevine 2.10 on the horizon
Andrew Rawnsley has hinted on Drobe that a "rather tasty" new version of Grapevine is nearing release, including more new features than originally promised. I'm sure users will be eagerly awaiting further announcements.
More Info: RComp

No, not an old BBC B game but a brand new piece of CAD software currently being developed by RiscCAD author David Buck. It's the new project name for a major new application which is hoped will eventually replace RiscCAD and contain more professional, industry-standard CAD features.
More Info: David Buck's Website

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:56pm (3258 days ago)

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