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Another recommended site is Peter Howkins excellent RISC OS module database at which is probably more up-to-date and certainly more comprehensive than the lists on this page.

Contents of PRE-RISC OS 4 !System
The modules listed below are the latest ones I know of for pre-RISC OS 4 systems. Some will be specific to various versions of RISC OS, and I've based it on a RISC OS 3.7 Universal Boot Structure.

If you can provide more details on the purpose on any modules, please feel free to contact us.

If you would like to check the authenticity of the modules on your system, and also ensure that they are virus free, I've provided a checksum against the original module. Where available, this is in the right-hand colum and is calculated using my !CRC application.

I also have a comprehensive module scanner which will check the integrity and compatibility of all module files on your system. This is available to download from

These modules should be compatible with any version of RISC OS, and will be the ones loaded if no matching module is found whilst searching through 350.Modules, 360.Modules, 370.Modules etc.
This is where any new modules you may install should go, and this directory replaces the !System.Modules directory found on earlier !Boot structures.
ABCLib4.15 (06 Jun 2004)Library for ABC compiled applications1E88B38D
ABIMod2.86 (18 Jan 1994)CC module
Basic6403 Apr 1992High precision BBC Basic
BorderUtil0.05 (21 Oct 1994)?4F2FDBE5
CMOSUtils0.01 (28 Feb 1996)?
Colours1.57 (06 Dec 1993)ColourTrans
DDEUtils1.54 (03 Jul 1996)Dynamic debug enabler65DE0B7C
ddt (app)11 Jan 1995Dynamic debug tool
DragAnObj0.02 (28 Sep 1994)DragAnObject65A0ECCE
DragASprit0.10 (09 Dec 1993)DragASpriteAADA8F3B
FilterMgr0.18 (01 Jan 1998)FilterManager
FrontEnd5.00from C iirc. (Abs)
JPEGMsgs0.01 (04 Oct 1995)JPEG Messages
JPEGRender1.02 (02 Mar 1998)JPEG Render
OLESupport0.29 (30th Nov 2002)OLE Support
Originally written by Computer Concepts and supplied with Impression. 32-bit version by Mark Sawle supplied with MessengerPro
PhotoCD0.25 (14 Jan 1995)PhotoCD
Picker0.31 (16 Jan 1995)Colour pickerECABFDA1
SCSIFiler1.10 (16 Jan 1992)SCSI Filer
SerialDev0.22 (09 Dec 1992)Find a serial device
SerialUtil0.02 (11 Feb 1992)Test device on serial port
TimeShare0.05 (28 Sep 1995)Timecode support
TinyStubbs0.02 (13 Jan 1995)TinySupportFB8F3C4F
This is where general purpose (ie. compatible with all versions of RISC OS [see above]) network related modules should go.
AUNMsgs0.08 (03 Dec 1996)AUN networking support
Ether14.00 (12 Mar 1996)Acorn AKA25 ethernet driver
Ether23.55 (23 Mar 1995)Acorn AKA50 ethernet driver
Ether3-164.23 (13 Sep 1996)?
Ether3-84.20 (03 Aug 1995)?
EtherB4.23 (13 Sep 1996)© Ant Ltd.
EtherH164.33 (27 Nov 1997)© i-cubed Ltd.
EtherH84.33 (27 Nov 1997)© i-cubed Ltd.
EtherM0.39 (10 Apr 1997)© Ant Ltd.
EtherO4.03 (28 Apr 1995)© Network Solutions
FilerUtils0.02 (17 Feb 1994)Acorn Access support
Freeway0.28 (03 Dec 1996)?
Internet5.04 (10 Apr 1997)?
IServices1.07 (12 Dec 1996)Inet Services © Justin Fletcher
MimeMap0.10 (02 Oct 1998)MimeMap translater (part of Ant Suite)
Also version written by Justin Fletcher
MManager0.17 (08 Mar 1996)© Ant Ltd.
Net6.18 (29 Mar 1996)Econet module
NetFiler0.72 (03 Feb 1992)Econet iconbar icons
NetFS5.78 (24 Apr 1992)Econet filing system
NetI6.18 (29 May 1996)Econet module
NetStatus2.06 (01 May 1991)?
NetUtils0.99 (29 Sep 1992)?
PPP (Acorn)1.18 (16 Sep 1997)PPP driver
Resolver (Ant)0.55 (15 Jul 1998)Ants Resolver module
Share+3.41 (27 Nov 1996)ShareFS module
ShareFS3.41 (27 Nov 1996)ShareFS module
URI0.13 (14 Jul 1998)Acorn URI module
This is where general purpose (ie. compatible with all versions of RISC OS [see above]) Acorn Internet related modules should go.
AcornSSL0.06 (28 Jul 1998)Acorn Secure Sockets
File0.38 (04 Jul 1998)file fetcher
Finger0.06 (16 Sep 1998)finger fetcher
FTP0.32 (06 Oct 1998)ftp fetcher
Gopher0.13 (16 Sep 1998)gopher fetcher
HTTP0.84 (16 Sep 1998)http fetcher
URL0.41 (06 Oct 1998)URL protocol support
WhoIs0.07 (16 Sep 1998)whois fetcher
This is where general purpose (ie. compatible with all versions of RISC OS [see above]) wimp toolbox related modules should go.
ColourDbox0.18 (30 Jul 1998)Colour dialogue box
ColourMenu0.19 (17 Feb 1998)Colour menu
DCS_Quit1.08 (17 Feb 1998)Discard/cancel/save dialogue box
FileDbox1.00 (16 Feb 1998)Filer dialogue box
FileInfo0.17 (14 Jul 1998)?
FontDbox0.17 (30 Jul 1998)Font dialogue box
FontMenu0.21 (17 Feb 1998)Font menu
IconBar1.18 (17 Feb 1998)Iconbar icon
Menu0.35 (15 Sep 1998)Menu
Picker0.31 (16 Jan 1995)Colour picker
PrintDbox0.14 (17 Feb 1998)Print dialogue box
ProgInfo0.15 (14 Jul 1998)Info window
SaveAs0.16 (30 Jul 1998)Save dialogue box
Scale0.14 (30 Jul 1998)Scale dialogue box
TextGadget0.19 (20 Apr 1999)ScrolList and TextArea gadgets
ToolAction0.17 (15 Sep 1998)ToolAction gadget
Toolbox1.45 (30 Oct 1998)Toolbox support
Window1.59 (26 May 1999)Window
Basic641.16 (01 Apr 1996)Basic interpreter
CompressJPEG0.05 (27 Feb 1997)JPEG Compression, filename = JCompMod, used by !Variation
SSound0.44 (02 May 1997)Shared sound manager
Wimp3.98 (15 Jan 1998)Nested Window Manager
Modules in this directory are scanned before 310.Modules (above) and are used instead, if RISC OS 3.6 is installed.
Basic641.16 (01 Apr 1996)Basic interpreter
Wimp3.98 (15 Jan 1998)Nested Window Manager
Modules in this directory are scanned before 360.Modules (above) and are used instead, if RISC OS 3.7 is installed.
DDEUtils1.54 (03 Jul 1996)?
DDT1.76 (13 Aug 1996)Dynamic Debugging Tool
Wimp3.98 (15 Jan 1998)Nested Window Manager

Optional Extra Modules
When you type *modules you may find a number of modules which are not part of the standard RISC OS rom set. Although additional modules may be installed into the !Boot.Resources.!System modules directories, some are supplied within third-party applications and utilities.
The modules listed here are various additional modules and what applications they came with.
AcornURI1.04 (20 May 2006)Christian Ludlam's reimplementation of Acorn's URI module50BE10AB
AMPLayer1.39 (21 Dec 2002)Peter Naulls 32-bit conversion of the MP3 player moduleDAC4D3ED
ARJ1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS754F3E35
ArtworksRenderer2.05 (08 May 2006)Supplied with !AWViewer301F0FC3
BlockDriver0.07 (24 Jun 2004)Supplied with !SerialDev6AA3A119
Cab1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS3F4F9A54
CLib3.75 (03 May 1991)Shared C Library (newer built-in)
CPCLib1.00 (31 Mar 1989)Pascal library compiler.
CPIO1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFSE387B008
CryptRandom0.12 (21 Oct 2003)Also supplied with !Ticker9A7F803B
DataVox3.68 (27 Mar 1995)Supplied with !ReMIDI67BFCFFC
DeepKeys2.06 (23 Jul 2003)Cerilica's Deep Key Buffer module, written by Simon Birtwistle - comes with !Zap90E88C6B
DigitalRenderer0.52 (15 Jan 2006)Provides a means to playback samples from applications. Suppled with SharedUnixLib4AE4A8AF
DitherExtend0.61 (13 Sep 2004)Written by Computer Concepts and supplied with ArtWorks and !AWViewerCDCB5040
DrawPool1.00 (25 Nov 2002)RISC OS 5 Draw sprites. Supplied with !+ResourceCF5249D5
EHCIDriver0.14 (15 May 2005)Part of Castle's USB2 implementationFD0945E4
FontDraw1.20 (18 Dec 2002)Supplied with !AWViewer28DA9ADF
FullNames1.18 (01 Apr 2003)Supplied with !FullNames9229C239
gbdm0.03 (11 Jul 1997)GNU dbm manager (?!)
GDraw3.09 (25 Mar 2005)Computer Concepts Draw Module, supplied with !AWViewer26935A86
GSpriteExtend0.70 (18 Dec 2002)Supplied with !AWViewerB8F98598
HotClickX2.05 (28 Jan 2003)by Chrisina West and Nick Roberts, supplied with Bookmaker0DCB200D
HTTP1.21 (16 Nov 1999)Ant's 128 bit HTTPS module for Fresco718F599C
IClear1.33 (23 Oct 2004)Martin Fox's Icon Clearer module70FF92C1
Iconv0.07 (11 Feb 2006)Character set conversion module, required for NetSurf203A56FB
IIDual4.01 (03 Mar 2004)Supplied with !SerialDev59DD3624
ImageExtend0.90 (18 Dec 2002)Supplied with !AWViewer2F59412A
ImageFSFix0.06 (09 Oct 2002)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS3666D47A
ImpressionSpell1.29 (18 Nov 2003)Impression Spell module - supplied with !Zap Spell module24FEF3C7
Interface1.32 (11 Feb 1991)Interface Manager © Simon Huntington
LineEditor2.76d (03 Mar 2003)Olly Betts 'Unix-like' line editor, also supplied (32bit) with !ZapCB03291D
Lzh1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS01DCD75A
MemoryAllocator1.19 (14 Feb 2003)Part of Oregano2/3A73B0825
McStuffit1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS481BD3E8
MoreDesk1.10 (28 Nov 2006)Part of 7th Software's !MoreDesk applicationF3043F90
MoveWindow0.13 (22 Jan 2003)Move a window by dragging any part with Ctrl+Shift held down. Will also bring to front if Ctrl+Shift+Select used.D2384F95
MsgTrans0.28 (01 Mar 1994)Msgs Trans (newer built-in)
NoError1.00 (18 Sep 2003)Cancel error boxes automaticallyB78C8631
ObeySupport0.04 (13 Nov 2002)Supplied with !Zap96EF3A89
OreganoUtils0.01 (15 Jun 2005)Part of Oregano3B6FF392F
OvationUtils0.01 (02 Oct 2002)Supplied with OvationProA4B0B1C5
OmniClient2.12 (18 Mar 2003)Part of !OmniE3753BA8
PackdDir1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFSDBB7A544
PaintPool1.00 (25 Nov 2002)RISC OS 5 Paint sprites. Supplied with !+ResourceE11CD00D
PCASupport0.35 (04 Mar 2003)Supplied by Rob DavisonD537B97D
PhotoCD0.23 (08 Jan 2004)Part of Photodesk275CA977
Photodesk3.06 (19 Apr 2004)Part of PhotodeskAE28A3FD
PlayIt1.68 (08 Dec 2002)Rick Hudson's sound playback module.99C67A37
QuickFiler2.19 (23 Sep 2005)Supplied with Martin Avison's QuickFiler.F94E6948
RemotePrinterFS1.04 (22 Nov 2006)Stefan Bellon's module for driving printers (or printbox servers) that use either JetDirect or LPD (or derivates thereof) as a protocol.2CC4ACDD
SecureSockets1.04 (26 Nov 2005)Secure sockets module, supplied with !Grapevine4D5FA740
SerialBuff1.03 (08 Nov 2002)David Pilling's Serial Buffer,
required by !Socketeer
SharedUnixLibrary1.10 (10 Apr 2006)Peter Naulls Shared Unix Library5201BA7B
SocketWatch0.04y (02 Dec 2002)by Dickon Hood, supplied with GrapevineE26800AA
Spark1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS173E6D91
SparkFS1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS53255ACE
Speak3.23 (19 Apr 2007)Jon Duddington's eSpeak module for Pluto265C5ACE
SRDPq0.06 (05 Nov 2006)7th Software's module to assist with writing applications which require messages from other software to be stored in a queue before being processed from a pollwordB37DEB42
SysLog0.20 (16 Jun 2003)A module which offers a central logging facility that can be used be programs to log information at various levels of importance.318CEBC0
Tar1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFSAAC719D0
Tinct0.13 (06 Jul 2005)Alpha-blended sprite rendering module, required for NetSurfA7ED6DDE
TransBMP1.00 (29 Oct 1994)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransBMP converter.
TransGIF1.00 (19 Oct 1994)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransGIF converter.
TransICO1.00 (17 Mar 1995)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransICO converter.
TransMAC1.00 (20 Mar 1995)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransMAC converter.
TransPCD1.00 (10 Jan 1994)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransPDC converter.
TransPCX1.00 (19 Oct 1994)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransPCX converter.
TransTIFF1.00 (27 Sep 1993)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransTIFF converter.E2F65D21
TransWPG1.00 (29 Dec 1994)Supplied with Computer Concepts !CCShared !TransWPG converter.
TwainPDIF0.10 (20 Sep 1994)Part of Photodesk4FA85FB4
UniversalKey1.06 (03 Oct 2002)David Pilling's Universal Key Module, supplied with OvationPro and Techwriter5303F579
USBInfo0.23 (01 Apr 2004)Part of Paul Reuvers/XAT's !HID utility1170A978
USBHID0.45 (23 Sep 2005)USB HID Class driver - part of Paul Reuvers/XAT's !HID utilityD2487E94
VProtect4.04 (07 Dec 2002)Pineapple's virus detecting module.2EBFB148
WebFTP0.48 (22 Jun 1999)Supplied with Ant !FrescoD37CC35B
WebGopher0.11 (06 Jun 1997)Supplied with Ant !Fresco
WimpPool1.10 (14 Mar 2003)RISC OS 5 Wimp sprite pool. Supplied with !+Resource1A0AC0C8
WimpScroll2.03 (30 Jul 2004)Part of Paul Reuvers/XAT's !HID utility3E30A8B
WimpSWIVe0.08 (23 Mar 2003)Supplied with !FullNames and also QuickFiler.796108C6
WindowTools1.10 (25 Feb 2003)RISC OS 5 window furniture. Supplied with !+Resource7C1585C7
Zap1.47 (20 Aug 2005)Main Zap module93099AC5
ZapButtons2.03 (20 Aug 2005)Zap Buttons module57C8EA03
ZapHoTMeaL0.88 (20 Aug 2005)!Zap HTML moduleC29C46F7
ZapRedraw0.48 (20 Aug 2005)Supplied with !Zap2E93A587
ZapRedraw (Latest version)0.42 (03 Jun 2003)Viewfinder enhanced version of ZapRedraw in Zap 1.46alpha
ZapSpell2.00 (20 Aug 2005)!Zap Spell module4A6E070A
ZapTaskWindow1.03 (20 Aug 2005)!Zap Task Window moduleB7D70BBC
Zip1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFSE0974F75
Zoo1.40 (06 Oct 2004)Part of David Pilling's !SparkFS777C129B

Contents of RISC OS 4 !System
As nearly all the modules in RISC OS 4 have been updated since RISC OS 3.7, it would be a bit pointless to list every module here. Suffice to say that most RISC OS 4 modules are dated 1998 or 1999, whereas most RISC OS 3.70 modules are dated 1996 or earlier.

I shall thus list below the modules which are newer than those supplied in the RISC OS 4.02 roms. For those people who subscribe to RISC OS Select, I've created a separate page which details the RISC OS Select !Boot sequence.

Please NOTE that any miscellaneous third party modules are still placed in the 310.Modules directory above, as the directory structure on RISC OS 4 is the same as the Universal Boot Structure, with the addition of a 400.Modules directory - which contains any RISC OS 4 only modules.

Lastly, I shall give details of any development or 'beta-test' modules which may be available, such as newer 32-bit aware versions etc.

As always, please feel free to contact us if you can provide additional information or don't understand something - or merely want to offer comments if you think these notes can be improved upon.

Updated modules since the RISC OS 4.02 ROMS

ROM differences
MOS Utilities4.03 (09 Nov 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
Window Manager4.16 (25 Aug 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
BASIC V1.20 (15 Sep 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
FileCore3.21 (13 Oct 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
Int'l Keyboard0.44 (15 Sep 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
CLib4.88 (22 Sep 1999)Shared C Library - Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
DOSFS0.67 (09 Nov 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
DDEUtils1.61 (20 Sep 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms
ShareFS3.44 (15 Nov 1999)Supplied in the RISC OS 4.03 Roms

The version of the 'Filer' module in RISC OS 4.03 is actually older than the version in 4.02. v1.97 is in 4.02, whereas v1.96 is in 4.03.
The same for the 'NetFiler' module. v0.79 is in 4.02, whereas v0.78 is in 4.03.
The same for the 'RAMFSFiler' module. v0.37 is in 4.02, whereas v0.36 is in 4.03.

RISC OS 5 modules
I haven't had time to create a comprehensive list of differences between RISC OS 5 and previous versions of RISC OS yet. Please check back later, or check the Iyonix web site.

However, since the release of the original Iyonix, a number of !Boot upgrades have been provided and it's likely that your !Boot sequence may have some redundant files in it. If you're like me, you might not like the idea of unused files cluttering up the !Boot directories, so you may want to delete them.

The main place that can get a bit cluttered is the PreDesk and Tasks directories inside !Boot.Choices.Boot.

As of 9th December 2006 and running RISC OS 5.12 (26-Jun-06) I have the following contents inside PreDesk and Tasks respectively.

All files are original RISC OS installed ones except the following;
 · !!DeepKeys and !Country are installed by !Zap
 · IClear is Martin Fox's module to allow precision drags and easily deleting text from icons.
 · MiscSetup is created by Paul Vigay's MiscSetup plugin.
 · QFiler is installed by Dave Thomas/Martin Avison's QuickFiler.
 · SampleRate is a small patch to fix the RISC OS 5 sample rate. See Peter Naulls site for more info.
 · WindOpen [v1.92 29-Oct-2002] is David Ruck's module for manipulating windows via the CLI.
 · SoftSCSI is required in order to read additional SCSI devices such as USB card readers and mass storage devices.
 · ~~USBHID is part of XAT's Human Interface Device software !HID.

Safe to delete....
I have successfully deleted !!!!NewUSB, directory USB and ~LanMan229 which are no longer needed, as newer versions are built into the RISC OS 5.08 rom.

Again, all files are original RISC OS installed ones except the following;
 · !!RunGP and !BootGP are part of Martin Wurthner's !GimpPrint.
 · !QFiler is Dave Thomas/Martin Avison's QuickFiler.
 · !USBHID is XAT's Human Interface Device software !HID.
 · MiscSetup is created by Paul Vigay's MiscSetup plugin.
 · SetupScrap is my own patch for copying !Scrap onto a RAM disc at startup.

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