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New PRM available for purchase at the Arm Club Christmas Show
Thu 29th Nov, 10:00pm
Entitled "The Window Manager", this new tome weighs in at 472 pages and covers all the changes to the window manager (wimp) that have occurred since RISC OS 3. The last paper volume was the ROS3 PRM, originally published by Acorn back in 1991. Since then a lot has happened, and much development has occurred.
Although various online documentation is available, such as the recently updated StrongHelp manuals, nothing really beats opening a book on the desk and pouring through its information without cluttering up the screen.
Anyone developing RISC OS software should find the new volume a snip at £40 with discounts for Select or Foundation members.
For comparison, 472 pages is approx half the thickness of the existing PRM volume 1.
More info: RISC OS Ltd
RISCOS Ltd and RISC OS Open Joint Venture
Tue 27th Nov, 9:30am
ROL and ROOL today announced a new agreement of co-operation in the development of RISC OS. Up until now there have been two distinct 'strands' of RISC OS, with corresponding module version numbers, often incompatible or causing clashes with each other. Today's announcement aims to jointly co-ordinate future developments in order to avoid duplication of work, as well as improving the situation developers face, such as synchronising version numbers etc.
More info: Press Release

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:56pm (3225 days ago)

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