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RISC OS 5.12 available
Fri 13th Oct, 12:41pm
Castle Technology have today announced the availability of a new ROM update for Iyonix users. Breaking away from their tradition of free updates, RISC OS 5.12 is the first 'charged for' ROM update since the launch of the Iyonix in 2002.
Priced at £69 it includes the previously charged for USB2 update as well as support for a new range of nVidia graphics cards. It can be downloaded from
Northumbria Acorn Users Group is born
Michael Bell is taking a table at the Acorn Roadshow in Newcastle on 19th October, trying to recruit members for the newly formed Northumbria Acorn Users Group (NAUG). The first meeting will be held as his house on Thu 2nd November at 8.00pm.
Contact: Michael

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:56pm (3258 days ago)

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