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RISC OS Southwest
With just a week to go until the RISC OS Southwest Show, on Saturday 18th February, make sure you've got the day booked to support this regional show, and come along to the Orpheus Internet stand and say Hi to yours truly.
More Info: RISC OS Southwest Show website

Wakefield Show announced
This year the ever popular Wakefield Show is sadly being downsized to only one day; Saturday 13th May, between 10am and 5pm.
More Info: The Wakefield Show website

Valentine Offers From Alligata Media
Desktop Repton Plus, Speech badges and DTP Principles books are all on special offer under a gratuitously commercialisation of Valentine's Day announced by David Bradforth. Whiz over to their website now, to find out what all the fuss is about, especially as those badges are a strictly limited edition!
More Info: Alligata Software

New RISC OS User Group Announced!
Robin Edwards recently posted an announcement of a new usergroup in the Midlands. The inaugural meeting of MUG the Midlands User Group (RISCOS) was held last Saturday 4th February at the home of one of the founder members, Robin Edwards, located a little South of the M42. The group started following a call for interest in the pages of the ARM Club magazine by Ralph Sillett, who was not able to attend the first meeting.

No advertising budget left in RISC OS world
Sadly, our pixel advertising scheme has decided to close due to lack of interest. Sadly it appears that there is no longer any advertising budget in the RISC OS marketplace.
This is a shame because it was planned to donate the entire proceeds to help fund future RISC OS product development.

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:56pm (3258 days ago)

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