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New Software Releases
There have been several updates to RISC OS software, and we've also revamped our comprehensive software database which now highlights featured downloads and recent updates. Not only have we re-designed the look and feel of the database, but we've also comprehensively re-written the underlying search engine to allow individual login and remote updates.
Bookmark for the latest software updates in the RISC OS Scene.

CSA.Announce Address Disruption
Andrew Conroy, one of the moderators of comp.sys.acorn.announce reported on Sunday (27th Nov) that due to the reconfiguration of his domain, postings to csa.announce may be disrupted. He advised temporarily resubmitting to instead.

RISCWorld lands on the Whitehouse lawn!
Well, not quite, but Aaron Timbrell announced on Monday (28th Nov) that small silver flying discs should be arriving through letterboxes any day now. No, not an alien invasion, but the latest issue of the CD based RISCWorld magazine. You can get more details by logging on to

Wordwise supremo Charles Moir interviewed by The Register
Veteran BBC/Acorn developer Charles Moir, the entrepreneurial founder of Computer Concepts, has been interviewed by The Register. Other than a few inaccuracies such as claiming that "the Acorn brand has been wiped off the face of the Earth", Moir had some positive words to say about the superiority of the Risc PC and British technology in general. The full interview can be found at

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:56pm (3258 days ago)

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