This list contains details of peripherals known to work on Acorn computers, and is intended as a rough guide for those wanting to upgrade.
The list covers all storage devices: hard discs, magneto-optical drives, tape, CD-rom, and related interfaces. It also covers modems, serial cards and printers.It does not cover IDE hard discs, as these are covered in a separate list in the FAQ.
This list is based on information from users, but it's fairly out of date now. If you have new information, corrections, suggestions or if you just want to tell me how good it is, please contact me.
If you have any equipment which you no longer require, please consider donating it to Archive magazine or Clares Micro Supplies, who will find a deserving home for it. Contact Paul Beverley at or
Note that in all the following lists the interface refers to the computer and not the peripheral.
Hard discs
Computer Size Manuf. Model Interface Interface Special type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A310 46MB Seagate ST157N SCSI-1 Cumana/Oak none A310 46MB Seagate ST277N SCSI-1 Oak Use Acorn SCSIFiler with RO3.1 A310 47MB Seagate 257 SCSI-8 Lingenuity none A310 60MB Seagate ST-277N SCSI Oak Ext Apple A310/4Mb 80Mb Quantum P80S SCSI Oak none A310 87Mb Fujitsu M2612S SCSI-U Morley none 0608 A310 100Mb Quantum LP105S SCSI-U Morley none A310 105M Quantum Prodrive SCSI Oak none A310 105MB Rodime RO-3128T SCSI-1 Morley none A310 105MB Syquest SQ105S SCSI-1 Morley none A310 110MB Rodime RO-5125ST SCSI Oak Ext Apple A310 117MB Quantum LP120S SCSI VTi/Alsys RO3.1+PowerROM A310 191Mb Maxtor LXT-200S SCSI Lingenuity none A310 210MB Conner CP3200F SCSI Oak Ext Apple A310/4Mb 210Mb Quantum PD210S SCSI Oak none A310 240MB Quantum LPS240S SCSI-1 Morley none A310 270MB Syquest SQ3270S SCSI-1 Morley none A310 330Mb Seagate ST2383N SCSI-U Morley none A310 340Mb Conner CFA340 SCSI-1 Cumana/Oak none A310 496MB Fujitsu M2624S SCSI VTi/Alsys RO3.1+PowerROM A310 516Mb Quantum Maverick SCSI-U Morley none 540S 0901 A310 540MB Quantum Fireball SCSI-1 Morley none A310 700Mb Quantum LIGHTNING SCSI Lingenuity none 730S A410/1 170MB Quantum LPS170 SCSI-C Morley none ProDrive A410/1 115MB IBM 7910A12 SCSI-C Morley none A410/1 213M Maxtor 7213S SCSI-U Morley none A410/1 1GB HP C2247 SCSI-U Morley none A420/1 730MB Quantm LT730S SCSI TSP/AAD 512Mb max. A420/1 330MB Maxtor 7345S SCSI TSP/AAD none A4xx/1 40MB Seagate ST251/1 ST506 Acorn ext Case+PSU A4xx/1 40MB Seagate ST251/0 ST506 Acorn ext Case+PSU A4xx/1 40MB NEC D3156 ST506 Acorn none A4xx/1 68MB Seagate ST1100 ST506 Acorn none A400/1 523MB IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-16 Cumana none A440/1 240M Quantum LPS240S SCSI-U Morley none A440/1 1G Micropolis 4110 SCSI-U Morley none A440 66M Rodime RO3085S SCSI Lingenuity none A540 116Mb Conner CP30100 SCSI Acorn 1.05 none R140 330MB Maxtor 7345S SCSI Acorn MK3 (Used with RISCiX) R140 730MB Quantm LT730S SCSI Acorn MK3 (Used with RISCiX) A3000 42MB NEC D3835 SCSI Serial port(VTi) A3000 51Mb Quantum LP52S SCSI } Cumana none A3000 81Mb Quantum ELS85S SCSI } Cumana none A3000 105M Quantum LP105S SCSI HCCS-8i none A3000 540M IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI HCCS-8i doesn't work! A3000 730M Quantum LT730S SCSI HCCS-8i none A4000 1G IBM DPES31080 SCSI HCCS none A5000 340MB Quantum LPS340S SCSI Cumana none A5000 540M Conner CP30540 SCSI1 Cumana none A5000 1.06G Conner CFP1060S SCSI-2 Cumana none A4 520M Fujitsu M2684S PSCSI Atomwide bid parallel RPC600 110MB Rodime RO-5125ST SCSI Oak Ext Apple RPC600 116MB Conner CP30100 SCSI-1 Alsystems none RPC600 121Mb Maxtor 7120SCS SCSI-2 Cumana none RPC600 163MB Quantum ELS170S pll SCSI Atomwide none RPC600 163MB Quantum ELS170S SCSI Oak none RPC600 163MB Quantum ELS170S SCSI-2 Castle tec none RPC600 163MB Quantum ELS170S SCSI Morley-U&C none RPC600 210MB Conner CP3200F SCSI Oak Ext Apple RPC600 317MB Imprimis 94241-7 SCSI-1 Alsystems none RPC600 496Mb Fujitsu M2624F-512 SCSI-1 TSP/AAD none RPC600 496MB Fujitsu M2624F-512 SCSI-1 Alsystems none RPC600 502MB Quantum ProDrive525S SCSI2 Alsystems none RPC600 507MB Fujitsu M2684S-512 SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC600 523Mb IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI-2 Cumana filecore limit RPC600 550MB Quantum Fireball SCSI-2 MCS none RPC600 650Mb Cumana Proteus SCSI-2 Cumana New Filecore RPC600 850MB Quantum TRB850S SCSI-2 Cumana none RPC600 1Gb Quantum Fireball SCSI-2 Cumana none FB1080 RPC600 1G Micropolis 4110 SCSI-U Morley none RPC600 1.7G Quantum Sirocco SCSI-2 Cumana New Filecore RPC600 2.1Gb Fujitsu 2915 SCSI-2 Cumana New Filecore RPC600 2.5G Quantum Sirocco SCSI-2 Cumana New Filecore RPC700 105M Quantum LP105S SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC700 140M Fujitsu M2624SA SCSI-U Morley none RPC700 340MB Maxtor 7345A IDE Acorn none RPC700 540M Conner CP30540 SCSI1 Cumana none RPC700 730M Quantum LT730S SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC700 2G Quantum Atlas scsi-2 Alsystems early drives noisy * RPC700 520M Seagate ST3660A IDE Acorn none RPC700 1G Fujitsu M1614TAU IDE Acorn none RPC700 1.6G Conner CFS1621A IDE Acorn none RPC700 1,6G WD AC31600H IDE Acorn slow startup, fast drive RPC700 1.7G NEC D3747 IDE Acorn none RPC700 2G Fujitsu M1624TAU IDE Acorn none RPC700 2G Seagate ST32161A IDE Acorn none RPC700 2.1GB WD AC21000 IDE Acorn none RPC700SA 520M Seagate ST3660A IDE Acorn none RPC700SA 1.6G Conner CFS1621A IDE Acorn none RPC700SA 2G Seagate ST32132A IDE Acorn none
* RiscPC cases amplify vibrations from drives. According to Quantum technical support, drives with high spin speeds need to be internally balanced like car wheels to avoid vibration. Their first models (including the Atlas range) were not balanced, but current models are. Apparently the vibrations do not affect performance or reliability.
Non-working combinations
A410/1 1GB HP C2247 SCSI-8 Lingenuity did not work A3000 540M IBM DSAS-3540 SCSI HCCS-8i doesn't work! A310/OS3.1/MEMC1A/ARM3 SCSI VTi see below
This combination has been reported to be troublesome due to timing problems on the bus. This problem does not occur with a standard A310. If the problem is found to be present, it can be fixed by fitting a 2nF capacitor across the /BL pull-up resistor.
Removable hard discs
Computer Size Manuf. Model Interface Interface Special type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A310 105MB Syquest - SCSI Oak none A440/1 88MB Syquest SQ5110 SCSI-U Morley none A410/1 105MB Syquest - SCSI-U Morley none A3000 135MB SyQuest EZ135 SCSI Cumana none A3000 270MB Syquest SQ3270 SCSI HCCS-8i MOFS (!MagOpt) A5000 135MB SyQuest EZ135 SCSI Cumana none A5000 270MB Syquest SQ327 SCSI-2 Alsystems none A4 105MB Syquest - PSCSI Atomwide bid none parallel RPC600 88MB Syquest SQ5110 SCSI-2 Cumana none RPC600 105MB Syquest - IDE ICS none RPC600 105MB Syquest - SCSI-2 Castle none RPC600 105MB Syquest - SCSI Oak none RPC600 105MB Syquest SQ3105S SCSI-2 Castle none RPC600 135MB Syquest EZ135 IDE ICS minor bugs RPC600 135MB Syquest EZ135 SCSI-C Morley none RPC600 200MB Syquest SQ5200C SCSI-2 Cumana none RPC600 1GB Iomega JAZ SCSI-2 PowerTec none RPC600SA 105MB Syquest SQ3105S SCSI-2 Castle none RPC600SA 1GB Iomega JAZ SCSI-2 PowerTec none RPC700 135MB SyQuest EZ135 SCSI Cumana 16bit none RPC700 135MB SyQuest EZ135 SCSI Cumana 32bit none RPC700 135MB SyQuest EZ135 SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC700 135MB SyQuest EZ135 IDE Acorn none RPC700 270MB SyQuest SQ3270 SCSI Cumana 16bit none RPC700 270MB SyQuest SQ3270 SCSI Cumana 32bit Care needed with flash rom software upgrades RPC700 270MB SyQuest SQ3270 SCSI Alsystems none RPC700 270MB Syquest SQ3270 SCSI-2 Alsystems none Firmware 3_05 and above recommended
Computer Speed Manuf. Model Interface Interface Special type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A310 3.4x Toshib XM5201 SCSI-1 Cuman/Oak CDX driver A310 1x Sony CDU-541 SCSI-U Morley none A310 2x Matsushita CR-503 SCSI VTi/Alsys RO3.1+PowerROM A410/1 2x Apple CD300 SCSI-C Morley AppleSony module A410/1 2x Sanyo CRD-250S SCSI-2 Morley none A420/1 2x Apple CD300e SCSI TSP/AAD CDFS 2.2+ driver A3000 2x Toshiba XM-3401TA SCSI HCCS-8i none A3000 4.4x Toshiba XM-3601TA SCSI HCCS-8i IOC CDFS SCSI2 driver A5000 2x Toshiba XM-3401TA SCSI Cumana EESOX CDFS_SCSI2 driver for photocd A5000 2x Aiwa ACD300 SCSI-2 Alsystems none A5000 4.4x Pioneer DR-U124X SCSI-2 Cumana Eesox SCSI2dr RPC600 2x Nakamichi MBR-7 SCSI-2 Cumana Eesox SCSI2 7cd changer RPC600 2x Apple CD300e SCSI Acorn MK3 CDFS 2.2+ driver RPC600 2x Cumana Indigo IDE Cumana none RPC600 - Plextor PX-4XCS SCSI-2 Cumana RPC600 4x Cumana Proteus SCSI-2 Cumana RPC600 4x Sanyo CRD-254S SCSI-2 Cumana EESOX scsi2 driver RPC600 4x Sony CDU76S SCSI-2 Cumana Eesox SCSI2 driver RPC600 4x Sony CDU77E IDE Acorn RiscOs3.7/SA RPC600 4x Toshiba XM-3601TA SCSI-1 TSP/AAD EESOX SCSI2 driver RPC600 4x Cumana Proteus SCSI-2 Cumana none RPC600 4x Panasonic PD-1 LF1000SCSI-2 Power-tec none RPC600 4x NEC Multispin SCSI-2 Power-tec none RPC600 4x Matsushita CR-504 SCSI-2 Power-tec none RPC600 4x Hitachi CDR-770 IDE Acorn Cumana/Powertec ATAPI RPC700 4.4x Toshiba XM-3601TA SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC600 6x Mitsumi FX600 IDE Acorn CDFS2.30 or RO 3.6 RPC600 6x TEAC CD-56E IDE Acorn CDFS2.30 or RO 3.6 RPC600 7x Toshiba XM-3701TA SCSI-2 Cumana Eesox SCSI2 RPC700 2x Sony CDU50E IDE Acorn none RPC700 2x Cuma. Bravo SLCD Cumana Unplug CDFSAtapi RPC700 4x Sony CDU-76E IDE Acorn none RPC700 4x Panasonic CR504B SCSI-C Morley none RPC700 4x Mitsumi FX400 IDE Acorn none RPC700 4x NEC CDR-273 IDE Acorn only works in 2x RPC700 6x NEC CDR-1300A IDE Acorn only works in 2x RPC700SA 6x NEC CDR-1300A IDE Acorn only works in 2x RPC700 8x Goldstar GCD-R580B IDE Acorn possible clash with some h.d. RPC700SA 12x Teac CD-512E IDE Acorn none RPC700SA 8x Toshiba XM-56028 IDE Acorn none
Problem Drives
Many drives don't work with the standard drivers found in RiscOS. This is usually due to differences between the implementation of ATAPI in the drives. Third party drivers (soft-loadable modules) are available (eg from EESOX) and some IDE and SCSI cards come with new drivers built in.
CD ROM Equivalents
Manuf Model Manuf Model Apple CD300 Sony CDU-8003A Rev. 1.9a Cumana ProTeus Panasonic PD2000
Floppy disk
Computer Type Size Manuf. Model Interface Interface Special type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A310 5.25" 19Mb QUME HF24DR G05 SCSI-U Morley none A5000 Zip 100MB Iomega ZIP 100 SCSI Oak none A5000 Zip 100MB Iomega ZIP 100 SCSI Lingenuity no LL format * This scsi card will initialise a partition but won't low-level format RPC600 Zip 100MB Iomega ZIP 100 SCSI-2 Alsystems none RPC700 Zip 100MB Iomega ZIP 100 SCSI-2 Alsystems none Note: Powertec supports DOS format for Zip drives RPC700 Zip 100MB Iomega ZIP 100 SCSI-U Morley none
* The parallel port Zip drive can now be used with the Acorn driver, but requires driver software. This is available from Argo or Partis Computing.
If your scsi software does not support zip drives, see the Tape Streamer section for details. * The write-protection feature of Zip discs is not at present available via any of the scsi drivers. It is fully supported by the parallel port driver.
Tape streamers
Computer Size Type Manuf. Model Interface Interface Special type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A5000 230MB magopt Fujitsu M2512A SCSI-2 CUMANA none A540 230MB magopt Fuji 2512A SCSI Oak none A540 230MB magopt Fuji 2512A SCSI-16 AAD none RPC600 230MB magopt Fuji 2512A SCSI Acorn !magopt RPC600 230MB magopt Fuji 2512A SCSI Oak none RPC600 230MB magopt Fuji 2512A SCSI QD-16 none RPC600 525MB qic ? ? SCSI-2 cumana Settings: tapebackgrounding off, tapemaxtransfer 1, tapebuffer 16k, scsidisconnect 6 on and *unplug DMAManager RPC600 2.3G 8mm Exabyte EXB 8200 SCSI-2 Cumana !tapefs RPC700SA 230kb/s Settings: tapebackgrounding off, tapemaxtransfer 64kb, tapebuffer 512kb. RPC700 1.3G DAT HP - SCSI-C Morley none RPC700 1G DAT WangDAT 1300 SCSI Cumana Settings: Backgrounding off, disconnect off, and set drive to SCSI-1 standard (because tapefs=scsi1?)
Tape equivalents
Some data tapes are identical to consumer AV products. Most manufacturers don't recommend use of the cheaper tapes for data storage but they do work.
DDS or 4mm tape is equivalent to DAT (Digital Audio Tape). A two-hour tape is the same as a 60m, and you can get three hours of audio on a 90m.
8mm tape is equivalent to Video-8. Currently I have no information on tape sizes or merits of using standard or Hi8.
You may need to tweak the options to make your device work properly. Different drives have different requirements, so experimentation might be necessary.
Zip drives require a different setup from the other backup devices. Some users report nothing more than running their scsi config software to identify the drive to the system, the drive appearing as a hard disc. Others are using MagFS.
To set up Magfs:
Download Magfs from Hensa.
Set the MO$SCSI in the Run file of !MagOpt to to match the scsi id of the drive.
Insert a blank disk and run MO-form.
Enter 4 or 5 at first request.
Enter N at second request for a low level format.
Run !Magopt.
Some magopt users are running tapefs. Don't know why.
Software for tape streamers can be obtained from the following sources:
tapefs is in
magfs is in
tar is in
It has been found that the released version of tar won't handle image files (archives, for example). A patched version is available which will cope with these can be found at
Computer Modem Protocol Manuf Model Interface Interface Interface Special speed blockdriver manuf Best speed Reqs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A310 9600 - Pace MicroLin internal Acorn 19k2 none A310 14.4K V32bis Escom 14400 sp_dual Atomwide 57600 RO3.1 A410/1 28.8K V34 USR Sportster internal Acorn 9600 none A410/1 28.8K V34 USR Sportster sp_dual MK2 TSP 115200 none A5000 28800 V.34 Zoom V.34 sp_dualpc mk2 TSP 115200 none A5000 14400 V.32b USR Courier sp_dualpc mk2 TSP 57600 none A5000 14400 V.32b USR Courier internalpc Acorn 38400 none A5000 14400 V.32b Pace MicroLinfx sp_dualpc m2 TSP 57600 none A3000 14400 V.32b USR Courier internal Acorn 19200 none RPC600 36.6K V34 MR Modem internal Acorn 115200 none RPC600 28.8K V34 USR Sportster internal Acorn 115200 none RPC600 14.4K - - LineLink internal Acorn 57600 none May need to cut an internal cable to fix flow control if the modem is wired for use with a MAC RPC700 28.8K V34 USR Sportster internal Acorn 115200 none setup string: ATB0&M4&H1&R2&I0&K3&B1&N0&S1&Y1&D2&C1V1Q0X4&A3E1F1M1 RPC700 14.4K V32b CreatiX SG144 internalPC Acorn 115200 none RPC700SA 14.4K V32b CreatiX SG144 internalPC Acorn 115200 none
Note: If you have a Sportster 28.8 with revision dates earlier than 04/28/95 / 03/31/95, and you are having difficulties such as low speed operation or line drop-outs, USR have a return-to-base upgrade which is free of charge.
Computer Printer DPI Manuf. Model Interface Interfc !Printers Special type type manuf version Reqs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A410 Inkjet 720 Epson Stylus-Col-I Parallel Acorn 1.28c none A410 Dotmat 360 Citizen Swift 24 Parallel Acorn 1.28c none RPC600 Inkjet 720 Epson Sty.Col.500 Parallel Acorn 1.54 PDF:Nov'96 RPC700 Inkjet 720 Epson Stylus-Col-I Parallel Acorn 1.52 rel3 none RPC700SA Inkjet 300 HP DJ 500 C Par/Ser Acorn 1.28 RPC700SA Inkjet 300 HP DJ 500 C Par/Ser Acorn 1.54 Acorns Rompatch
Third party drivers
Computer Concepts' Turbo Drivers are available for popular printers. This software is optimised for speed although Acorn's own drivers have recently been upgraded and the benefits are not as great as they were. The Turbo drivers give greater control over the output and background printing actually works, however the output quality can be worse with dithered graphics.
Optical Scanners
Computer Manuf. Model Scanner Interface Interface Special type type manuf Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RPC600 HP Scanjet IIcx flatbed SCSI-2 Cumana David Pilling's Twain RPC600 Epson GT 9500 flatbed SCSI-2 Powertec David Pilling's Twain
Computer notes
The A3xx and A4xx machines are all similar, and comments about one of these machines should apply to any other, provided it is running with the latest OS and/or chip set.
Similarly, the A4 is a miniature A5000, and the RPC700 is a slightly enhanced RPC600.
StrongARM equipped RiscPCs might have difficulties with interfaces that work on the non-SA computers.
A3xx computers have no on-board disc interface; A4xx have on-board mfm.
The A3000 has no interface, the A4, A3020, A4000, A5000, A7000, Stork and RPC models all have IDE.
Interface notes
In theory the fastest interfaces are the ones with DMA. These cards perform at their best on RiscPCs in slot 0 or 1. The data rate will be limited by the slowest part of the system, so when upgrading, budget for a new drive in addition to the interface.
The Alsystems Powertec card is a SCSI-2 DMA device with a top speed of around 4.5MB/s. This speed will increase with later software/firmware releases.
The Yellowstone RapIDE32 card is a fast IDE interface using DMA which will give a significant improvement over the standard interface in a RiscPC.
Both Yellowstone and Alsystems are developing rival products.
The Morley SCSI-1 interface is either cached or uncached. The maximum speeds of these are uncached: 2MB/s, cached: 4MB/s. These cards do not use DMA. Currently the Morley software cannot cope with partitions > 512 MB and the "Free" window is broken under RiscOS 3.6. New firmware is rumoured for the Morley card.
The TSP/AAD is the former 'Arxe Alpha Dual', which was produced by The Serial Port, but which is now discontinued. It provides 16-bit non-DMA SCSI-1 and a high density floppy interface.
Versions of Risc OS older than 3.6 can only cope with drives < 512 MB. Larger drives can be used if formatted to this size. Some filing systems allow large drives to be partitioned, ie split into 2 or more sections, each up to 512MB in size. The new limit for RiscOS 3.6 is 4GB, which is already looking too small.
An important new development for scsi card owners is the Alsystems PowerRom. This is a firmware upgrade for many existing cards, including Cumana, Castle, Lingenuity, Morley, Acorn, Vti, HCCS and Oak. The upgrade provides all the features present in the Powertec card, subject to hardware limitations, which will include compatibility with large partitions and devices such as Zip drives. The PowerRom will eventually be able to replace IDE card firmware too.
Which SCSI have I got?
To determine the scsi version number of a device, run the following program:
ON ERROR REPORT:PRINT " at ";ERL:END DIM buffer% 16 INPUT "Enter device number";device% SYS "SCSI_Initialise",2,device%,buffer% SCSI%=(buffer%?2) AND %111 PRINT "Version is ";SCSI% END
This will give you zero if the device is not present.
How big is a Megabyte ?
Some manufacturers quote Megabytes as 1000K. This is of course totally incorrect but they like to cheat with numbers, so to get the real size, multiply by 1000/1024.
Jumper settings and configuration
Jumper settings are often a problem, and it's rare to get a manual with a drive these days. Some manufacturers have web sites, most of these have detailed information on their current models including jumper settings, and some have databases covering older devices.
Although sometimes biased towards PCs, the information can be extremely useful.
Manufacturer - Web site Seagate - Conner - Quantum - Maxtor - Syquest - Micropolis - Fujitsu - Iomega - Panasonic - Toshiba - Sony - NEC - Mitsumi - US Robotics - Hayes - Zoom - Motorola - Pace - Epson -
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the list.
If you have any corrections or suggestions, please contact me.
Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:55pm (3258 days ago) |
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