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Section 6 - Viruses & Security

 Q6.1) What RISC OS virus killers are available?
 Q6.2) I have received some information about a virus from a reputable source, it apparently affects Windows, Mac and/or Linux systems, is it perhaps dangerous for RISC OS users too?

Q6.1) What RISC OS virus killers are available?

Pineapple Software originally produced a program called !Killer, which is the standard means of checking for or killing viruses. !Killer is no longer developed and thus no longer available.

There are also a couple of shareware/PD virus checkers available.

Kiwisoft's !Slayer detects most known viruses and removes quite a few as well and serves as a good secondary defence if Killer is unavailable to you. Slayer is available from

Paul Vigay also developed and still supports !VZap, available from

VZap is the only fully 32-bit compatible virus scanner available.

Q6.2) I have received some information about a virus from a reputable source, it apparently affects Windows, Mac and/or Linux systems, is it perhaps dangerous for RISC OS users too?

No known virus designed for Windows, Macintosh, Linux or Unix systems has ever infected a RISC OS system. Whilst many Acorn computers are capable of running DOS or Windows operating systems via software or hardware emulation, it is only the DOS/Windows environment that is vulnerable to infection by these virusues.

Unless you have detailed evidence indicating that the virus in question has actually infected RISC OS systems, issues concerning viruses for foreign systems are best dealt with via your Windows, Macintosh, Linux or Unix anti-virus software supplier.

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 Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 4:55pm (3258 days ago)

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