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Vale RISC OS: Requiescat In Pace


Applications for RISC OS

Chromax     Chromax version 1.00 (Sun 03rd February 2002)
Chromax is designed to map any tint sequence to any other tint sequence in all 8-bit sprites (256-colour sprites) in a single Spritefile that either have no palette or have a standard palette. Its main use would be for creating colour variations on sets of icons, although it can also produce negative images as colour only inverse, grey only inverse or both. Any sprite mask is unaffected by the process.

!!Dismount     !!Dismount
!!Dismount is a little Wimp compliant Basic program (actually, a one-liner of 114 bytes) which, when double-clicked over, dismounts the disc on which it lives. This can save a lot of the mouse movement that is needed when dismounting via the icon bar menu. !!Dismount is most useful in raFS disc images but will also work on ADFS floppies and other file systems.

Jack     Jack version 1.01 (Thu 12th October 2000)
Jack can repair JPEGs with broken heads and extract JPEGs embedded in other files. It can even extract and restore JPEGs from PC files where the first 100 bytes or so of the JPEG headers have been encrypted to prevent unauthorised viewing. Although this may not produce exactly the original JPEG, it will be better than no JPEG at all!

Jclean     Jclean version 4.00 (Wed 05th June 2002)
Among other things, Jclean is a desktop front end for the Independent JPEG Group utility 'jpegtran'. It allows all operations available from 'jpegtran' to be performed by clicking and drag-and-drop rather than having to resort to the command line.

Version 4.00 is a complete rewrite incorporating more native code to extract existing comments and save them to a single Comments file or to individual files, and to insert up to 3 types of new comment in one pass, including a fully configurable filedate string. Other features include:

— support for filepaths up to 4K, leafnames up to 255 bytes.
— optional background or singletask running of jpegtran.
— optional writeback or save elsewhere of results.
— user configuration of startup behaviour.
— user choice of window size and furniture.
— user control of all icon legends and messages.
— full user formatting of date and time insert.
— user choice of workspace, Log and Comments file locations.
— up to 3 levels of reporting by jpegtran.
— complete logging of processes and reports.
— up to 9 levels of Log backup.
— status display of queued, processed, completed, aborted.
— pause, step, resume, skip and abort processing.
— extensive help file and full interactive help.

Jcut     Jcut version 3.01 (Sun 06th October 2002)
Jcut has a completely revamped interface for easier JPEG cut & paste, cropping, rotating, flipping, and now contrast & colour adjustment - all without the image degradation that would result from decoding the JPEG to process it and then re-JPEGing it.

Jess     Jess version 1.21 (Sat 06th April 2002)
Jess can extract multiple JPEGs embedded in other files such as some Windows screensavers, PowerPoint presentations or RISC OS Drawfiles. It can also split Exif JPEGs (e.g. from digital cameras) with embedded thumbnails into two JFIF JPEGs. Progressive JPEGs are supported. Version 1.21 now extracts up to 1000 JPEGs from a single file.

Jigwas     Jigwas version 1.01 (Thu 11th April 2002)
"e pluribus unum" - Jigwas rebuilds a single JPEG from split sections, coping with up to 1000 source JPEG files.

Jsize     Jsize version 1.01 (Mon 03rd April 2000)
Jsize provides information about JPEGs and allows you to change their pixel densities.

MagPi-Mo'     MagPi-Mo' version 1.20 (Wed 17th May 2000)
MagPi-Mo' combines three utilities concerned with the mouse and pointer into a single 24K application (or 32K for pre-RiscPC machines) on the Iconbar. Extra memory is claimed whenever the magnifier is displayed but this is released as soon as the magnifier window is closed.

Stark     Stark version 0.31 (Wed 24th January 2001)
Stark is designed as a single- or multi-user menu environment for a collection of tasks performed mainly by the use of Obey (*) files.
You can use it to...
    launch applications, open directories, run named files, change your desktop background, change the screen blank time, alter the desktop font, change screen mode, store help files, change desktop palette, insert often used text, change window tiles, change window tools, reset the sound system, smash the hourglass, change the hourglass animation, test the system beep, set up multiple user desktop styles,
  ...and lots of other little jobs - all with no more than a couple of mouse clicks for any one operation.

TumblWeed     TumblWeed
TumblWeed provides a front end for Acorn's demonstration programs, "SlideShow" and "TUMBLE". It allows any directory containing JPEG images to be dropped into the TumblWeed window as the source directory for either SlideShow or Tumble. Long file names are not supported.

Link to:
AMSAT-Phase 3-D
The Experimental IHU-2 Aboard P3D

Vale RISC OS: Requiescat In Pace

 ~  Dacha's Digital Domicile  ~ 
