- Latest Intel chips still can't match ARM for power saving - Intel issued a "correction" Thursday regarding comments one of its executives made earlier this week slamming the iPhone as incapable of working correctly with the internet.
Among other things, the executives accused ARM chips of being unable to "handle the internet" and singled out the iPhone as an example of a smart phone that could be really great if it used one of Intel's low-power x86 architecture processors, known as Atom.
- Major new RISC OS application in development - Long-term RISC OS devotee Paul Vigay has recently announced a new application he's currently working on. With a development version to be demonstrated at the forthcoming RISC OS SE Show, WebAnim8r is a powerful and comprehensive application for creating animations and graphics suitable for including on websites and presentations.
A flexible built-in scripting language allows the user to create complex designs with the aid of simple keywords, or fall back on the intuitive user interface.
Some news summaries maybe truncated. This is a limitation with GoogleGroups RSS feed and beyond our control unfortunately.
- Four Apps Come to the Fore For You - You may have blinked and missed a few application updates over the last few months as they scroll past on the Recent changes section of the home page. Don’t worry though! We’ve been keeping a watchful eye and, skipping over the smaller fixes for now, can bring you the main highlights.
- London show roars again - After a short interlude, the London show is back in a new venue this Saturday the 26th October from 11am. The organisers have lined up an impressive list of exhibitors, all bringing the latest software and hardware developments in the RISC OS world for you to explore.
- A metric tonne of RISC OS improvements - This is one for the all developers out there! We love celebrating significant anniversaries and milestones, so it didn’t escape our notice that the source code to RISC OS has just reached one thousand accepted merge requests since being migrated to be held in Git back in 2019.
- An ePic reshuffle - ePic is a single SD card combining both the official RISC OS Pi release plus a huge bundle of commercial applications (previously called NutPi) totalling almost £600, had they each been bought individually.
- Euro vision of RISC OS welcomes all! - Now that the Eurovision contest is over for this year, the next big euro vision to eXperience is the one organised by the Big Ben Club at their annual day.
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